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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Where can I get some Ti?
- - By Plasma-Brain (**) Date 01-30-2008 17:17
Hello all,
I'm borde and I want to try welding titanium but I have a few problems...
First I dont know where to get any of it and second, im aware its pretty expensive.
So I guess my question would be would it be cheaper to try and find some 1/8th plate or some 1/8th or 3/16 TIG wire?

Also, anyone know of a supplier in northern New York (around Albany)?

Thank you all for your time and experience
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 01-30-2008 18:28
The words cheap and titanium are usually not found in the same sentence. If you come up with a cheap source let me know. I am trying to finish an RC Submarine and need a couple square feet of 1/8

Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 01-30-2008 19:50
It's not as bad as it was a few years ago.

More Titanium is used in making golf clubs than Aerospace stuff these days. 

Gerald  maybe a golf club part supplier might be able to provide shafts at a more reasonable price than a metal distributer...... just a thought.

Clif,   Ti is really not all that exciting to weld.... Lots of preparation involved, lots of gas coverage issues to be obeyed... But the actual welding (GTAW that is) is pretty pedestrian.  

The big difference in my personal experience is that hot Ti (either at the leading edge of the pool or the tip of the filler) is very sticky and can present feeding issues for inexperienced welders and for Semi Automatic GTAW with synchronized pulsation and wire feed. (good process engineering solves these issues)

With proper prep and technique the actual welding is really like buttah  :)

Isn't that right Henry ?
Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 01-31-2008 13:54
Well it's definitely not "Parkay":) :) :)
Excellent description Lawrence!!!

Parent - - By darren (***) Date 01-30-2008 22:08
scraps from a helicopter/airplane repair place.
i worked next door to a helicopter repair facility and they had all sorts of it laying around the yard.
just a thought.
a rc sub sounds cool.
got pics?
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 01-30-2008 22:33
No where near that stage yet, but when i get there, I'll post. Still working on how to get the signal to the boat without a tender cable.
Parent - By mooseye (**) Date 01-31-2008 18:28
how bout an antenna wire coonnected to a float? Sorta take the stealth mode out of the pic!
Parent - - By aevald (*****) Date 01-31-2008 01:18
Hello Gerald, there used to be a pretty good source for titanium at Boeing surplus in Auburn, WA., $8.00/lb. Unfortunately Boeing shut this down and I believe they are handling the dispersal of their surpluses through an outside contractor. I had heard that it would be an online type of thing. I haven't researched it, but you might try doing a bit of internet surfing and you might be able to find it, or something similar. Always enjoyed going up to their yard there, they had all kinds of interesting things to look at. Best regards, aevald
Parent - - By Plasma-Brain (**) Date 01-31-2008 02:43
So I should be looking for aircraft scrap yards... because anything I've found looking online either doesn't have prices or it's a bulk order of a few hundred pounds at a thousand $$$$......

Gerald, a RC sub eh? Sounds like fun. Maybe you could use the water its self as a transmitter? Drop a wire from the RC controller into the water and have a receiver on the sub, kind of like sonar??? Or maybe I'm just watching too much TV again...

Lawrence, Given that titanium isn't as exotic sounding to weld as it seems.... what would I be looking for to end the boredom?

Thanks for the replies
Parent - By Lawrence (*****) Date 01-31-2008 03:14
Ti can be fun to sculpt.... with or without a chamber... Used to make little scenes and lots of jewlery...

Very pretty and inert to skin.
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 01-31-2008 03:14
Ti can be fun to sculpt.... with or without a chamber... Used to make little scenes and lots of jewlery in my pony tail artist phase...

Very pretty and inert to skin.
Parent - By aevald (*****) Date 01-31-2008 04:04
Pony tail Lawrence??? Sounds kind of like my afro days!! Chuckle, Chuckle, Chuckle. Regards, Allan
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 01-31-2008 04:20

I can't find hide nor hair of it. I used to go to DRMO auctions but they've been over run with Ebay'ers and others. I believe I'll just bite the bullet and buy a sheet. For my purposes it'll probably last a good long time.

Parent - - By aevald (*****) Date 01-31-2008 04:39 Edited 01-31-2008 06:43
Hello again Gerald, I'll see about doing some checking with our machine shop instructor. He used to have some pretty good connections up there, maybe he can give me something that I can send your way. That I am familiar with, aircraft, aerospace, and many of the pulp and paper industries use a fair amount of titanium. Some of the time, the mechanical and piping contractors that work on these mills will have remnants and stuff left over that you might be able to do some horse trading for. Regards, Allan  EDIT: have one other thought to consider, if you have any flat-track motorcycle racing that takes place close to you at all, the folks that are involved with this use hot-shoes that are made from titanium in many cases. Some of them might be making their own shoes and might have extra material or be able to direct you to some through their sources.
Parent - By welder5354 (**) Date 01-31-2008 05:11
Hi there, i buy my titanium from titanium industries in quebec.
I usually get short pieces of scrap pipe (anywhere from 6" to a few feet).
This stuff is not cheap ( 5lbs. of ti rod (3/32) is only $300.00).
Purging titanium can be very expensive because you have your gas coming in from 3 different directions.
Parent - - By crazydog (**) Date 01-31-2008 16:51
I know these may by to small but I have about 100# of tit. cut into 1/2" x 2 1/2" strips about .090 thick. I would be interested in selling or donating to a school. Anybody interested let me know.
Parent - - By Plasma-Brain (**) Date 02-02-2008 19:56
How much would you want a pound? 
Would you be willing to split it up or do you want it all gone in one shot?
Parent - By crazydog (**) Date 02-03-2008 02:27
Whatever works for you. I have had it a while so keeping some a little longer will not matter. Make me a fair offer and we will work it out. I would be glad to send a sample if you like. You can e-mail me at
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Where can I get some Ti?

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