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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / Guided Bend Tester
- - By welder2 (*) Date 09-29-2014 18:36
What is the best guided bend testing machine out there? My company has allocated funding to purchase and I'm reaching out to the forum to hear your opinions. $4000-$8000

Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 09-29-2014 18:43
I've used a wrap-around bend unit from Triangle Engineering.

If you are going to be using it a lot I think it's worth the extra money.  We did many thousands of bends in a tech college setting.

It is smooth and easy to use.. Mandrels for various bend radii are available and It will last forever... My was pushing 25 years old and only had bushings and fittings replaced over that time.

It's at the top of the price range, but in my opinion the best out there.
Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 09-29-2014 22:28
Here's the price sheet for Triangle's 2 models of wrap around guided bend testing machines and different types of dies:

Nice machine IMHO!

Parent - - By Blaster (***) Date 09-29-2014 19:21
I don't know the "best" but I am on my 2nd Watts and it is getting well worn now too.  Both machines broke a lot of their own welds.

I generally like the machine other than they haven't held up as well as I think they should have.
Parent - By CLH1978 (**) Date 09-30-2014 15:31
We have used a Triangle for ten years with no major issues. Hundreds of bends a year.
- - By 803056 (*****) Date 10-01-2014 02:41
I designed and built my own plunger and die bender and when it put on weight as I got older, I designed and built a portable wrap-around bender that I can bring onto the airplane as carry on luggage when I travel.

Parent - By SCOTTN (***) Date 10-01-2014 12:23
How have you managed to get it through airport security? I’ve found that the ugliness of an airport security guard is proportionate to how intimately they want to search you.  I once went through airport security and the security woman said, “You have a choice of being groped or photographed nude.” I replied “Why can't I have both?” Women can be so confusing at times.  They tell you to take off your jacket, to take off your belt, and take off your shoes, but when you start touching them, they freak out.  Then they ask me the same stupid questions.  “Have you left your suitcase unattended at any time”? “Uh, now that you’ve mentioned it, as a matter of fact I have.  It’s been in my closet for the last 10 months.” Then, on a connecting flight, another security officer asks me the same question.  “Have you left your bag unattended, Sir?” and I said, “No, my wife has never left my side.” One thing I’ve learned.  When the airport security asks, “Do you have any weapons?” never respond with “Why, what do you need?” After walking through the metal detectors at the airport and no alarms go off, and the security guard gives me my bags back, I like to yell YES and start running.  Note to self: As I’m running to board a plane and trying to get the front seat, don’t yell “shotgun.” Though, I’ve recently found a way to avoid the intimate searches that airport security seems to enjoy.  On the way to the airport, I take a double dose of Viagra.  If I manage to time it correctly, it kicks in just as they’re starting to pat me down.  Then they abruptly stop and let me go on.  Now before anybody gets the wrong idea, the smile on my face is because the pat down always tickles me.  On a side note, it's perfectly normal for kids to play “doctor”, but if they start playing “airport security”, then it’s time to worry.
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / Guided Bend Tester

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