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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Hello All
- - By blawless Date 11-06-2014 18:14
Hey folks, just wanted to introduce myself, again. Saw Brents post on the newbies so wanted to confess to being a lurker. I'm usually a regular on welding web and semi regular at practical machinist. As winter draws nearer up here I'll be more regular, even without the Metamucil. Retired but was once AWS certified and have welded for a living. See you guys around.
Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 11-06-2014 18:37
Hey Brian...good to see you :cool:
Parent - - By welderbrent (*****) Date 11-06-2014 19:41

I tend to cause that kind of reaction...Haters or Lovers  :lol:  No middle ground.

Seriously though, thanks for posting.  Don't let the RARE (compared to total volume of posts that happen here) emotional debates discourage you.  Great people with lots of resource value.  And a great data base with easy to use 'Search' function.

He Is In Control, Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - - By SCOTTN (***) Date 11-06-2014 19:48
Welcome to the forum Bryan, and a word of advice from an avid Metamucil user.  When taking Metamucil, the difference between a teaspoon and a tablespoon is very, very, very important.
Parent - By S J (**) Date 11-06-2014 22:17
Yes, but let us not be too quick to forget that individual metabolism variances and daily diet interactions are also key factors to consider.  As are accurate label instructions.
Parent - By welderbrent (*****) Date 11-06-2014 22:35
As I never drink tea I just always grabbed the spoons on the table unaware that just because they were sitting on the table didn't make them 'tea spoons' nor 'tablespoons'.  So imagine my surprise when my wife informed me that the soup spoons were quite a bit larger than 'tea spoons'.  :lol:
Parent - By blawless Date 11-07-2014 18:44
There have been a few scams at ww. They usually begin with a 1 post newbie. When a newbie posted something we would look at preview post to see if it had any "add ons" I don't know a lot about Info-tech. Still don't have a cell phone.
Parent - - By Tyrone (***) Date 11-07-2014 11:35
Welcome aboard Bryan.
Feel free to comment or share your knowledge with others here on the Forum.
Parent - - By SCOTTN (***) Date 11-07-2014 15:42

Please don’t get the wrong idea about some of us.  This is the greatest welding forum on the internet and its contributors are extremely knowledgeable.  It’s just that we like to throw in a bit of humor from time to time.  We’ve gone from your original post about winter and Metamucil, to the difference between the various spoons, and I just wanted to add a little to what’s already been said.  Winter is a time that brings back memories for me.  Every winter my dad and I played a game where we would row out into the middle of a cold lake that was near our house.  He would throw me in and I would race him as he rowed back to the shoreline.  It was always a lot of fun, but the hardest part for me was getting out of the bag.  Seriously, I’m ready for this year’s winter.  I’ve got an extra gallon of antifreeze and I’ve removed the de-icer from the floor at my side of the bed and put it in my Jeep.  Brent had mentioned spoons.  I had names for my spoons.  That’s one of the reasons my first wife left me.  I think the one that pushed her over the edge was my “cereal killer” spoon.  In another related spoon story, she once claimed that onions couldn't make her cry as long as she had a teaspoon in her mouth, which I thought was absolute nonsense and I asked her to prove it.  So she smugly smiled at me as she grabbed a teaspoon from the drawer and put it in her mouth.  Then I smiled at her, got an onion from the bag, and threw it at her head.  Then I was eating dinner with her one night when she said “"You know, you're a lot like a fork, whereas I'm more like a spoon.  “What do you mean?” I asked.  “Well, whereas you would sit poking at something all day, without really accomplishing anything, I'd jump in and finish the job in one simple scoop.” “I would have to disagree with that analogy” I remarked. “I think I'm much more like a knife.” “How so?” she asked.  “Because if you don't shut up I'm going stab you”
Parent - By kcd616 (***) Date 11-07-2014 16:11
women can not live with them,
and put you in prison if you kill them:cry::eek::evil::twisted::wink:
Parent - - By blawless Date 11-07-2014 18:45
Me likey the knife part:lol::lol::lol::lol:
Parent - - By SCOTTN (***) Date 11-07-2014 18:58
Going to prison might not be so bad, especially if I get the Oscar Pistorius deal.  He’s only doing a five year sentence.  That would be much better than the twenty year sentence that my wife is putting on me.  Though sometimes, she does act like she loves me.  For that I think she deserves an Oscar…….....Pistorius, that is.  In his defense, he must have had to pee really bad to end up having to shoot his girlfriend just to get in there.  I don't know.  Maybe he didn't have a kitchen sink.  Anyway, my wife is worried now that I might try something because any time she uses the bathroom, she leaves the door open.  It’s not that she doesn’t trust me.  She just has a medical condition.  I think it's called Oscarpistosis.  I heard a funny noise while in bed last night so I jumped up and did all the usual stuff… checked the front door, checked the windows, shot my girlfriend five times, and then checked the back door.  Turns out there was no one there.  Did he actually think they were going to find him innocent? To me, there was more chance of him getting athletes foot than being found innocent.  And just when he thought things couldn’t get any worse in prison, he’s now been assigned to the top bunk.
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 11-08-2014 05:53
I love you Scott.    Not in a weird sexual way but like you love a dog that does not crap on your couch or your floor.  I agree that stabbing is the preferred method for life removal, its cathartic even. 

HI Bryan,  welcome to the AWS welding forum, jump right in the waters murky soon to be chlorinated clear by experts at any moment!

Parent - - By SCOTTN (***) Date 11-08-2014 14:48 Edited 11-08-2014 14:52
Thanks.  I do love a dog that doesn’t crap on my couch and on my floor.  Unfortunately, mine does.  I got home from work the other day.  As soon as I opened the door, I shouted to my wife “There’s dog crap in the hallway.”  “Mind your language” she replied, “My mother is over at the moment.”  “Yeah, I know.  “I just told you she’s in the hallway.”  And that’s how the fight started.  Whenever my wife and I have an argument, I feel like knocking the crap out of her.  I went to anger management therapy and the guy suggested I take the dog for a walk whenever my wife wants to argue with me.  I've worn out three dogs out in the last 10 months.  I was walking the dog one day and a policeman saw it crap on the sidewalk.  “You’re picking that up, right?” he said.  Of course, officer” I replied, reluctantly plopping the steaming crap into a bag.  When I got home, my wife asked “Why is there dog crap all over the shopping bag?” Then one day she yelled “That dog's crapped on the carpet again. I've had enough.  It's either me or the dog."  I'm guessing that it was the dog.  Her Alzheimer's cracks me up sometimes.  It's been nice here lately that there’s not much to pick up because the dog has been eating his own crap.  Anything to avoid eating my wife's leftovers.  The other day my dog was taking a crap in the park when I noticed a sign that said “Clean up after your dog”, which didn't make much sense to me, because if I wait for my dog to clean up first, there will be nothing left for me to clean.  As we were leaving, I noticed a dog running directly at a little girl.  The next thing I knew, she was lying on her back and the dog was on top of her.  My instincts kicked in and I immediately grabbed a huge stick, ran over, and beat the living crap out of the dog.  As I picked up the hysterical little girl, I said, ‘Are you okay?” “Of course not!” shouted her angry mother.  “You've just killed her chihuahua, you idiot!”
Parent - - By blawless Date 11-10-2014 20:14
Parent - By Stringer (***) Date 11-13-2014 13:11
This is what can happen when you wear a box on your head for a living...
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Hello All

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