
Welding Journal | February 2014

A B were conducted. The welding speed was designed to vary from 1 to 2 mm/s and the welders adjusted the current in accordance to the varying weld pool geometry. The arc length was set at 4 mm for both experiments. As can be observed in Fig. 13, the proposed ANFIS model can estimate the welder’s response with good accuracy. Conclusion and Remarks 52-s RESEARCH FEBRUARY 2014 VOL. WELDING 93 To derive the skilled human welder response model, a number of dynamic experiments were designed to examine how the welder responds to 3D weld pool geometry. The weld pool characteristic parameters, including the width, length, convexity, and previous adjustments made by the welder, were utilized as model inputs, and the human welder’s current adjustment was considered as the model output. A linear model was first constructed as an average model over the entire input range and an ANFIS model was then proposed to provide better modeling performance. Analysis suggests that the skilled welder adjusts the current dynamically based on the weld pool surface geometry with approximately a 1.5-second delay. His/her adjustment is, in general, positively correlated to the weld pool convexity and negatively to the weld pool width, while the correlation of his/her adjustment to the weld pool length is more complex and depends on the weld pool surface width and convexity. His/her adjustment on the current is also positively correlated to the last current adjustment. More accurately, his/her adjustment on the current correlates to the width, length, and convexity of the weld pool surface, and the last adjustment nonlinearly and the ANFIS model improves the modeling accuracy. In a future investigation, the developed neuro-fuzzy human intelligence model will be analyzed and compared with that of a novice welder and then be utilized as an intelligent controller to perform penetration control in an automated GTAW process. 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Welding Journal | February 2014
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