
Welding Journal | February 2014

Fig. 2 — Ferris-wheel-type positioners can handle long parts. WELDING JOURNAL 43 minded businesses expanded their business and created a progression between other businesses to help create better relationships. “We’ve been able to grow a standard product line of headstocks, tailstocks, and other combinations of multiaxis weld positioners. It’s been one of our most rewarding efforts,” Kelly said. Weld positioners have proven to be a productive investment for any company seeking more efficient routes in their welding practices. Since weld positioners have become recognizable tools in today’s workplaces, manufacturers have developed different variations to accompany manual or automated welding tasks. While automated welding can be a costly investment for businesses, it can save money in the long run because of the efficiency and punctuality of every weld on the path to accomplishing a welding goal.◆ Fig. 1 — Sliding tailstock trunnions can accommodate multiple payloads. Fig. 3 — Five-axis positioners provide access to difficult-toreach areas. Fig. 4 — While commonly used in the agriculture industry, drop center positioners can be useful wherever there’s a need to handle heavy, long parts. Fig. 5 — L-hook positioners offer 360-deg rotation on both the main and table axis. Fig. 6 — A common application for dual trunnion turntable positioners is to weld car and truck frames.

Welding Journal | February 2014
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