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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / 6010 Weld Test
- - By dew84 Date 06-15-2016 12:28
Hi, I have a student who is preparing for a weld test soon. He has advised me that the test is a closed root coupon with a 45 degree groove angle and a 1/8th inch root opening with zero landing. But here is the kicker, the company wants a 6010 ran for the root and then filled and capped with 7018. Through my experience, this is not a common procedure due to it normally being for open root. He and I have attempted to perform this test but are having severe issues with arc blow and penetrating the backing bar. We have increased amperage and arc control and have tried various work angles, etc. By the way, we are also getting a terrible fingernail action near the midway point due to the closeness of the bevels. We have used both transformer and inverter machines with different internal 6010 settings but no luck. Can anyone give some insight on WHY this test is being requested? Also, if you have any tips for making the root successful, please reply back.

Parent - By kcd616 (***) Date 06-15-2016 13:40
as too why
it shows you can really weld with SMAW
many, many decades ago
that was the welding test for Los Angeles city structural steel test cert
1" all 4 positions ie: flat, horizontal, vertical, and overhead
then you had the written test
the old days....when that was the gold standard
they laughed at AWS cert 3/4" test plates, no written test:eek:
as far as tips for the root pass
whip it, use the z type motion
DC+ 100-120 amps for 1/8" electrode
at least works for me
hope this helps
Parent - - By pipewelder_1999 (****) Date 06-15-2016 14:08
That is a somewhat tight gap/groove angle for manipulating the electrode in however electrode storage conditions and electrical factors can increase the likelihood of the arc blow. Have you tried other grounding scenarios and different electrodes ?
Parent - By SCOTTN (***) Date 06-15-2016 17:28

I deal with structural steel, and I've heard more than one field welder say that he uses a 60 series rod for the root pass, and then finishes with a 70 series rod because they say it's easier to run the root pass with a 60 series rod. The problem is that most all structural steel contracts require welds to be made with E70xx electrodes.
Parent - - By WeldinFool (**) Date 06-15-2016 18:25
From your description of the weld joint, it sounds like you are welding on plate test coupons, with a backing plate, and 1/4" gap between the plates? This would explain the zero landing. This is a common structural test configuration other than the 45 degree opening sounds a little tight. But with a 1/4" gap between plates this should not be a problem. Using 6010 for a root pass it a pipe welding thing (did it for 30 years on open-butt welds), but should not be that difficult with a backing bar. If you really want some good advice maybe you could give us a sketch to better understand the test configuration?
Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 06-15-2016 21:28 Edited 06-15-2016 21:31
:cool: Be warned....the police will correct your term "landing" root face;hl=root%20face
Parent - - By js55 (*****) Date 06-15-2016 18:27
I'm confused. Is it a closed root or a 1/8" root opening?
Parent - By fschweighardt (***) Date 06-16-2016 01:39
For him closed root = backing bar
Parent - By Blaster (***) Date 06-15-2016 20:49
Put the clamp on the backing bar at the far end of the joint.  Weld towards the clamp.  Stop at the half way point.  Put the clamp at the other end. Start next weld at the opposite end of the plate, welding towards the center again.
- By dew84 Date 06-16-2016 03:12
So I'm reading through all the responses and I thank each of you for the info. The coupon I described is a D1.1 plate style coupon, the difference is that the gap is 1/8th, not 1/4 and the root weld is made with a 6010 where it is usually performed with E70XX. I told my student that the only reason I figure the company is wanting the root put in with a 6010 is to see how well a person can operate the 6010. This is not common practice unless the root was open, no backing. So at this time, I have explained to my student to weld as many as he can until test time to perfect manipulation on this tight joint. I asked him if he was mistaken on the test info but he is confident of what was explained to him. I suggested a 60 degree groove angle which would reduce some of the issue due to 6010 attraction to the bevel, but can't be done he said.

Anyways, shoot some more pointers my way if something pops in your mind.

Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / 6010 Weld Test

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