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For postings/queries strictly concerning Inspection
Topic User Posts Last Post
- SNT-TC-1A passing score - 5 12-14-2004 13:56
- New OSHA Fact Sheet - 4 12-09-2004 00:24
- Chromium burn out (oxidisation) - 8 11-27-2004 00:57
- soladura de acero duplex - 6 11-23-2004 19:28
- What does A/SFA stand for? - 7 11-20-2004 17:01
- Soldadura de tuberias - 4 11-17-2004 00:42
- Welding Inspection on root side. - 1 11-14-2004 07:34
- regarding rejection rate - 5 11-13-2004 12:28
- PT of Flange Welds - 2 11-10-2004 14:11
- Reviewing SWP's - 5 11-05-2004 22:34
- Preheating Temp. - 4 11-05-2004 18:41
- When the company will not comply....? - 10 11-05-2004 16:35
- Can someone help me??? - 3 11-01-2004 17:35
- Concave Butt Welds - 5 11-01-2004 15:43
- weld repair - 7 10-29-2004 00:47
- ANST Level II - 4 10-22-2004 14:55
- Requirements for level 3 - 4 10-22-2004 02:46
- Inspector training - 5 10-18-2004 02:22
- STUDENT NEEDS HELP! with (PQR) and (WPS) - 4 10-10-2004 18:30
- Some weld terminology help please. - 6 10-08-2004 13:41
- RT film on slope side of splice? - 2 10-06-2004 00:05
- Getting started - 14 10-05-2004 11:44
- Rat holes - To fill or not to fill??? - 13 10-05-2004 11:34
- X-Ray in the NYC/NJ Area? - 2 10-03-2004 17:37
- NDT Level II or III - 20 10-02-2004 00:01

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